"How to
Exfoliate Your
Body at Home"...
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How to Exfoliate Your body at home |
If u want to your skin to took healthy & radiant, exfoliate regularly by removing the top layer of dead epidermis cells.
You will make your skin appear smooth and less wrinkled.
Body cleans are a mechanical exfoliant, meaning they genuinely eliminate dead skin cells from the external layer of your skin with rough fixings, similar to sugar or salt.
This animates skin cell turnover, bringing about smoother, more splendid skin and perhaps forestalling future skin inflammation breakouts.
"Over things you will
Oil free moisturizer
Body liquid cleanser
Bath towel body lotion
Exfoliating products
Step 1. Brush dry skin before getting into the shower, you can use loofah, exfoliating gloves or a body exfoliating brush start at the soles of the feet and work your way up.
Step 2. Get into the bath or shower and wet your entire body.
Step 3. Apply exfoliating cleanser to your loofah with gloves.
Step 4. Scrub your body with it using gentle circular motion.
Step 5. Make your own exfoliating cleanser mix sea salt, olive oil, lemon juice together or mix ground almond or powdered milk.
Step 6. Use a wash cloth of mild exfoliating.
Step 7. Rub rough spot such as heels, with a pumice stone or stick.
Step 8. Apply lotion containing alpha or beta hydroxy acid after your exfoliate.
Step 9. Be sure to use body moisturizer at least one everyday regular exfoliating
Step 10. Extremely drying to the skin and will do more harm the good unless the skin is rehydrated liberally with lotion.
" Tips and warning"
Some product are more abrasive than other, if your skin is very sensitive use as little friction as possible and stick to least abrasive products.
Never exfoliate with excessively abrasive exfoliating cleanser or your run the risk of bursting the delicate blood vessels under the skin.
If the vessels burst your skin may appear permanently flushed this condition knows as telangiectasia, must than b treated using laser surgery.